Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday, 22 June 2023: Verdi, Nevada


The first part of June we stayed pretty close to home.  We worked in the yard…we ate great food… we enjoyed being in our Green Bay home.  Mid-month we headed back to spend spend time on the boat.  

Meanwhile, the house in Georgetown isn’t selling.  Aargh!!

Toward the end of the month we are finding ourselves in Nevada.  It was day one of our Westward Swing all over again. This time we really got out.  Our flight was cancelled yesterday because the cargo door wouldn’t close. The good folks at United looked at options for rebooking earlier this morning but we ended up on the same flight just a day later.

Vacation list; vacation found. We made the best if our delay by connecting with Kelly and Carl for adult beverages and a visit at the 1001 Bar. After that mess, I was ready for a drink!  

Jordan reported that Gemma was “now part of the pack.”  He said she greeted the kids with tail wagging when they came home and that she was resting at his feet while he was talking to us. Yes, I miss her already. 

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