Thursday, September 7, 2023

Friday, 19 May 2023: Green Bay

Solar guys arrived a day early this week. We were surprised to learn they weren’t really doing what we’d agreed on. Good thing we were home. 


Yesterday Justin went to Fondulac with Jordan. Gave me time at home alone which I treasure while the boys bought dock sections.  

After much discussion and going back and forth, we made the decision to go to the reunion in Las Vegas.  Neither Justin or I care i lick about Vegas but I want to see the kids! 

We made a trip to the DNR. Surprisingly they accepted a hand written bill of sale Roger had provided as proof the lien had been paid off on Purr. We will be good to go as soon as the stickers arrive in a couple of weeks. 

Next stop, Best Buy. We bit the bullet. Justin finally got a new phone and a new laptop. Finally!!

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