Friday, October 4, 2019

Tuesday, 24 September 2019: Manatoulin Island

Oh goodness I love slow lazy mornings!  Justin and I took time to get to know our surroundings.  We wandered down to our deck on the water and just took it all in.  

We went back to Mum’s Restaurant for lunch.  Justin had turkey, potatoes and gravy. I had a roasted red pepper tomato bisque. You could say we didn’t like it at all. The bakery is known for their apple fritters and now we know why. We had a Hello Dolly Bar that could easily have been served to five people.  

Next stop Lillian’s Crafts to look at Porcupine Quill baskets.  Justin’s sister Joe used to have an extensive collection of these.  He talked to niece Lindy to see if she was interested in adding some to her stock in her store in Eagle River.  She said no, but it sure was interesting to look at.

We explored the island a little bit and even took a nap by a sweet little lake before heading back to our cottage.

We were back in plenty of time to enjoy the sunset on Big Lake.  We made a movie selection from the extensive library at the cottages: Spider Man.  Several years ago I thought Kim Bertola and I were the only two people on the planet who still watched VHS tapes.  Nope, there are a few more.  

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