Friday, October 4, 2019

Saturday, 28 September 2019: somewhere in West Virginia

It was still dark when we got up this morning and since the falls are only illuminated until 2am, this was the first time I couldn’t see the falls.  Did they turn them off?  I simply can’t imagine that amount of water flow constantly... for how many years?

We bid farewell to Niagara Falls and to Canada this morning and set our sights for the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Other than the airport, I’d never been to the state of New York before.  The countryside was breathtaking.  I doubt we had full fall colors just yet but it was grand enough for me. Most of our travel was on two-lane country roads rather then six or eight-lane expressways thankfully.  If this is upstate New York, I’ll come back.  Next we crossed into Pennsylvania.  Again, this was a first for me.  We stopped, just by chance in the little town of Ridgeway; they were having a fall festival so we stopped to take a look.  And then we started exploring.  The Elk County courthouse was picturesque and the public library had a staircase and hardwood floors I’d just want to pack up and take home.  When we were driving in a nearby neighborhood, a gentleman asked us if we were lost and that led to a conversation of course.  He encouraged us to go look at one house and grounds in particular.  The owner was in Florida and he looks after the property.  Three or four acres of wonderfulness.  

Back on the road we continued our trek toward the Frank Lloyd Wright house, Fallingwater.  We couldn’t get reservations for a tour of the house but Justin wanted to see the grounds.  But no luck.  Whoops, we didn’t see the closed sign at the road, but the very polite gate attendant said we couldn’t even drive around for even a few minutes.  We only got a tease...drat!

Ok, what’s next...the Blue Ridge Parkway.  However, we have several hours of driving to get to the beginning which is at Rockfish Gap.  Back on the twisty-turny two lane roads, we crossed into Maryland.  Justin seemed to have a good time driving although he’d have preferred to have been in the EOS with the top down.  

We spent the night at the Lost River Inn in West Virginia.  I sent a text to Dellene.  I wanted someone to know where we were just in case no one ever heard from us again.  Then I realized the text didn't go through ...

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