Friday, October 4, 2019

Monday, 30 September 2019: Lavonia

There's  little hotel called the Shady Rest... at the junction...  yes, that song was running through my head as I sat outside with coffee this morning..

We jumped back onto the parkway this morning at mile marker 191.  Justin wanted to drive the entire parkway but we had to exit yesterday at about mile marker 120 due to who knows what...a tree down? Construction? 

We took time today to visit the Blue Ridge Music Center.  There were some great displays as well as demonstrations -- yes, even in the middle of the week.  

We also took time to stop at Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi.

As it turns out, we left the parkway early today too.  We exited at mile marker 388 just outside of Asheville.  We just didn’t allow enough time and right now, we need to head to New Orleans.  Today's travels took us out of North Carolina and into South Carolina then into Georgia.   We spent the night in the thriving metropolis of Lavonia.  Anyone who ever reads this will need to Google it as we sure did.   And to mark the occasion, we ate at a Shoney’s.  Where else can you get meatloaf, sweet potatoes and green beans that are rather gray because they’ve been cooking all day?

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