Friday, October 4, 2019

Saturday, 21 September 2019: Brussels

Justin cleaning then packing the car
Today was a day for working to close down the house and packing.  

The EOS is in the garage with the battery disconnected for winter.

We did take time for dinner with Jordan, Kris and the kids and one last trip to Chadouir’s Dock and to say goodbye to Jimmy.  We had planned to go to April’s one more time; Justin wanted a last Rueben for the season and we both wanted to say goodbye but when it got down to it, we couldn’t spare the time.When we were at Jimmy’s, Jonas and Caleb’s took advantage of the opportunity to play pool.  The table there is new and the boys are oh, so green.  Tomorrow is Jonas’ ninth birthday. Kris says she already sees him as a teenager ... because of his attitude?... well, ...

Willow kisses her new baby doll.  

We had agreed with Don that he’d turn off the water at 9pm. We texted him to beg for more time.  After dinner we dashed back home.  Jordan and Kris got all the stuff from our frig and freezer as well as the goods from the pantry that won’t winter.  (I am sure they’ll have a grand time going through all that stuff.). As soon as they left I jumped in the shower and barely got the dishes done before don turned off the water at 10:30.  Thankfully the dishes from one last batch of banana bread and brownies for the road won’t have to sit there all winter.  (Of course, I would have found an alternative but this was better.)
Much later, we just stopped since we were no where close to finished.  We fell into bed for a quick rest.

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