Thursday, October 24, 2019

Saturday, 5 October 2019: Alvin

We’ve been with Uncle Harold and Charlsy the last two days.  We watched the 
SMU /Tulsa game after dinner this evening.  The game appeared to be over at the beginning of the fourth quarter with Tulsa leading 30 to 9.  Then we found ourselves in triple overtime, ending with SMU on top 37 to 43.  

And, watching college ball along with awareness of the political field has reminded me that I need to reestablish myself as a member of the University of Houston Alumni Association.  If Elizabeth Warren is a proud cougar, that’s what I want to be too.  Seems whomever accused her of having an affair with a much younger associate.  It was debunked rather quickly.  Her response: somthing along the lines of "I am thankful for the opportunities I’ve had as a result of being able to go to school and get my education."  She went to U of H whose mascot is the Cougars... maybe I’ll just get a new U of H T-shirt.

Our time with Uncle Harold and Charlsy almost always includes bacon-wrapped fillets from Perry’s.  You just can’t beat Texas beef.  I caught up (almost) on the blog while Justin trimmed Gemma.  Roxie was very concerned about Gemma while she was on the grooming table; she was convinced she was being tortured.  
Uncle Harold is failing; conversations are harder and harder.  I wished I’d been able to talk to Hal about it all.  

We did get to see bill and Diana this trip.  Justin and I wanted to eat Greek since we won’t have that choice much longer.  We went to a little place in Clear Lake Charley recommended, Mediterranean Chef, we won’t need to go there again.  
We got our car into the shop at Gay Family Kia We and also for the inspection.  Went to Krogers to get to get reregistration and the sticker. Found out they didn’t do it do them I went to HEB to learn that they could only complete the reregistration process for cars in their own county —aargh!, I’ll have to wait until we are in Austin. 

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