Friday, October 4, 2019

Sunday, 22 September 2019: Sault Saint Marie, Ontario CANADA

We had an alarm set for 5:30 but I was up before 5:00.  We had almost everything done except to blow out the water lines and winterize the plumbing of the house.  It was raining, of course.  oh, wait, we still needed to trim the branches from above the roof and plant bubs, and do the mushroom plugs, and....

Our odometer was at 39,575 when we left the house.  

We met Jesse in Niagara, Michigan to handoff the radar ball and cushion — parts that went with the Bayliner he bought a month or so ago. 

He gave me a cupcake rock that is kind of like a Flat Stanley.  I’ll take it to Mexico I think.  

We had planned to be settled somewhere for the noon Packergame but we were driving. We did however get to see some of the Texan game when we stopped for a late lunch at Big 10 Sports Bar in some little town along the way.  We sat at a table with a map nearby.  Kinnick Stadium was right in my sights.  It was an omen, right?  I know exactly who that stadium was named after.  I know that he went to University of Iowa and was a he is an trophy winner...yes, I do!
Shiner Boch was on the beer list.  Yes, Justin had to ask the girl “is that a local brew?”  As expected, she said she’d go ask.                   I just shook my head.  

Packers are 3-0 — looking good!

We crossed the border into Canada just after 10pm.  The border guard was rather harsh asking why we were crossing at this hour and why we were crossing at this spot.  Oh well, he’s at work and we were not.  We quickly settled into our hotel for the evening.  

We’ve been working like dogs the last too many days... Gemma has known that something was up for a few days and hasn’t let Justin out of her sights.  She’ll be disappointed when she realizes she has to get back in the car tomorrow, and the next day and the next day.  My shower felt great.  

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