Friday, October 4, 2019

Sunday, 29 September 2019: Grassy Creek Cabooses on the Blueridge Parkway

Justin talked to the local folks while I got dressed.  I think he had a much more colorful experience than I did.  The lady that washes dishes in the restaurant lives in one of the eight hotel rooms with her three kids, her husband and her father.  We met the oldest of the boys last night when mom needed to come referee a conversation.  Justin had an immediate affinity for the young man who was obviously special needs.  They showed Justin pictures of their lizards and iguanas (I think.)

We both donned Packer attire this morning.  Even though we lost earlier in the week, the day held promise.  

We packed up and left our quaint little Inn and headed to the Blueridge Parkway!
We crossed into Virginia pretty early on in our day. We were still working out the settings for Justin’s new phone.  I’d downloaded an app for the parkway so we were set.  

At 1:33pm we entered the Parkway.  The views were simply spectacular.  We pulled over at half a dozen vistas and overlooks as well as a stop or two for short hikes.  Ok, they were really quick walks more than hikes but we got out a bit.  There were so many opportunities for exclamations after jaw-dropping inspired views.  The golds, reds , maroons and oranges were vibrant and breathtaking.  

We watched this guy prepare for hang-gliding but the wind was never right for him.  He was disappointed too.  

We checked into Grassy Creek Cabooses just after 7:00pm.  Justin really wanted to drive the entire Parkway.  That was our plan until we came to a road closure.  We got back on the regular road and still pulled into our hotel much later than I anticipated. We arrived just in time to have a glass of wine outside before kickoff of the Cowboys vs Saints game.  Funny how I didn’t factor football in my the planning of our honeymoon but, thankfully, I did have Packer attire so I was prepared.  

In our cabooses we have great satellite tv but for internet we have to go outside...metal building and all.  I want to watch the SNL cold open from this weekend but that will need to wait for another day.  Trump consults Kanye West, and a few others on impeachment.  Gotta watch it soon.  

Justin and I worked our way through a good bit of white wine as well as two bottles of red this evening.  I doubt we will have an early start in the morning.  

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