Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday, 20 September 2019: Green Bay

I picked up the electric Mantis earlier in the week. Then we worked outside all stinking week.  We finally got some of the straw down.  

First you till, and till, and then you remove stones.  Then you lay down the landscape cloth and then you put dirt on top.

Then you spread the soil out neatly.  Then you drop the grass seed and roll the straw out on top.  

Don't forget to put in the staples to hold down the straw.

I tried a new recipe for dinner. It was an Alfredo made with cottage cheese. I served it with shrimp cooked in garlic and white wine. It was really yummy even though we were both too tired to enjoy it. 

We had planned to leave right after the Viking game but there is always more to do.
Three more full days before we bolt!  Talk about “miles to go before we sleep!”

Justin got his new computer!  That's I only have to retrieve the data...

Today we went to see the Downton Abbey movie with Terry.  Terry wore pearls -- I missed my opportunity.  She also brought us fancy Lindt chocolates inside a Royal Worcester egg coddler.  She said we couldn't have just any chocolates for Downton Abbey!  I love coddled eggs so that will be a fun treat when we return.

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