Thursday, October 24, 2019

Friday, 11 October 2019: Pueblo

With about eight hours of driving ahead of us, we were on the road by 8am this morning.  Our hotel neighbors from New York who are on their way to Lake Chapala were not yet gone and neither were the other neighbors from Florida.

Our lunch stop was a little hole in the wall -- well, we are in Mexico!  Sure was yummy!

The top priority today for Justin was to make sure all the plans are in place for tomorrow with regard to boats.  “Boats out” is tomorrow at Windjammers Sailing Club and since he isn’t there, he has to depend on Jordan and Mark.  They will take care of getting Merlin out and on its trailer.  Later, Mark will take care of winterizing.  The other big chore for tomorrow is to oversee N and J Marine as they take away Emerald for salvage.  This has been a huge decision for Justin.  As much turmoil as he’s been through to get to this conclusion, he’s had equal grief with the sailing club in general.  As much as I want to support him, I also need to stay out of it.  

By the time we got to our hotel, we were just beat.  We quite like staying at Villas Magnolias in Puebla but there is a good bit of city driving to get to the location.  Today, Justin drove through a hailstorm as we were crossing through the city.  
Once we got a bit settled, we thought about going out and we thought about having something delivered.  In the end, we just lost interest and chose to forage in our food bag.

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