Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday, 13 September 2019: Brussels

Like my favorite mornings, today was a lazy morning.  I love being retired!!!
The Democratic Debates were last night.  Funny how I am so much more politically aware than I ever was.  Hmmm, my how things do change.
Jordan and Kris really want to  buy that property across the street and goodness knows, if you start looking for property, you will find something.   

Dave and Jerry from Pier and Water Solutions came over this morning.  Justin wanted to have a sort of out-briefing with them.  By the time you spend this much money, you need to have your voice heard.  There are a couple of things we weren’t happy with at all and we’d still like to get a few more things done.  We wrote them a check for $10,000 and told them we’d pay the balance after the first of October.  

It was uber windy today and just  impossible to get any work done outside.  We really need to work on getting our yard back together and getting ready to leave.

Mushroom risotto was the chef special for dinner this evening.  This was the first time I’d tried my hand at risotto and it was fabulous!!!  The recipe is definitely a keeper.

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