Friday, October 4, 2019

Tuesday, 17 September 2019: Northeast Wisconsin

I am going to burn my tennis shoes at the end of the season. These shoes have a bit of paint on them from two years ago and a bit of concrete from last year too.  This year, they were my first choice of foot ware for moving stone.  And now, they are so caked in mud I’ve forgotten what color they were initially.  Next year I am going to get a cute pair of strippy little sandals. 

I turned in the electric mantis for repair yesterday to Justin’s Small Engine Repair in New Franken. He said it would be a 10-14 days. Then he called today to say it was ready. He said he felt sorry for us when I explained our need to repair our lawn after breakwall work along with our timeline for departure so he went ahead and looked at it.  Seems some wires were pinched during factory assembly and the finally wore through.  

Hector came to get the second concrete mixer.  I must take the Craigslist add down so we won’t get any more calls.  Justin offered him work if he'd come back this weekend.  I doubt he will but it sure would be nice.  

First you till.  And then you till some more.  

Then you lay down the landscaping cloth and you till some more.  
Then you load dirt into the wheel barrow and place on top of the cloth.  
Oh, and you must remove stone at each step.  

Gemma supervises and we continue to have spectacular sunsets.  

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