Monday, March 13, 2017

Wednesday, 8 March 2017: Xpujil

Lucy came at 9:00am this morning to prepare our breakfast.  The kitchen is in the same building as the rest of our private casita, but separated by a door and the windows in the kitchen only have screens.  Lucy comes in the morning to prepare your breakfast and then comes later to clean.  What a deal!  Our menu of huevos Mexicano, coffee, fruit and tortillas was excellent.

Leaving Gemma at home today, we headed for Calakmul.  It is older, larger, and less restored than any of the other ancient sites we have visited.  We drove for a hour or so, reapplied sunscreen and got out of the car only to learn that we still had a 40km drive before we were there.  That 40 km took well over a hour as the road was mostly a single lane and full of holes. We were able to see wild turkeys, deer, and a few other types of wildlife along the way.  Again, we were almost by ourselves when we were visiting the ruins.  We wanted to see as much as we could so we hurried through the grounds.  

Justin was Mario Andrade on the way back out since we wanted to see the bats and the day was drawing to a close. Bats?  Yes, Calakmul has a colony of over two million bats that come out everyday at dusk to eat.  You know that I could have passed on this one but it was pretty cool.  I found it amusing that while there was almost no one at the ruins we'd been at the past several days, there were about 200 people to see the bats.  There were four tour busses of folks with us to see the little critters.  [Note to self:  Be sure and bring binoculars on the next trip.]

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