Monday, March 13, 2017

Tuesday, 7 March 2017: Xpujil

Justin found even more conch shells this morning before breakfast.  We enjoyed another of Justa's omelet with Gouda before hitting the road to Xpujil.  Both Justin and I were Jonesing for real cheese.  After breakfast and goodbyes we picked up our laundry.  It wasn't completely dry unfortunately...grrr.

As is typical, there were vendors along the highway at every tope.  Today we bought fresh pineapple.  Some of the juicy tidbits were sprinkled with chile but we asked for plain.  We also stopped to get a snack and found "Gouda" and bread for a lunch on the road.

Next stop was a Mexico "brown sign tour."  When Justin and I were in Germany, from time to time when we were out exploring, we'd just follow a brown sign to see a castle, or visit a village.  Today we stopped at the Konulich Mayan ruins.  Gemma got to go in too after some sweet talking from me.  We saw perhaps only twenty other people the entire time we were there.  The grounds were very jungle-like.  You could just imaging what it was like here in 500AD.

Later in the afternoon we checked into our hotel, the Casa Ka'an outside of Xpujil.  The location was marketed to to be in the jungle, but it wasn't exactly jungle.  OUt in the woods maybe, but not jungle.  There were four rooms at the Casa Ka'an; we were in the Casa Aquacate.  The others were Mango, Pimento and Zapote.  Nico, the owner, met us and told us the scoop of how to operate everything.  We already had the AC on so we were set.  We drove back into town for dinner and then came home.  Since we haven't had reliable internet in a while, we caught up on SNL and John Mayer and a few others with the plentiful         fodder our president is providing...I am so proud...

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