Monday, March 13, 2017

Saturday, 4 March 2017: Mahahual

Breakfast on the Caribbean. It is beautiful.  There is quite a bit more traffic here and the constant offering of massages and various vendors on the beach.  Snorkeling on the reef appeals to both Justin and I.  We are heading to Xcalak to see what we see today but we might just come back here for the next few days before we head to Calakmul.

Took the beach road for the first 6-8 km when we found the "Travel In'". We stopped and talked to Albert.  He has a room for tonight available but we wanted to go check out Xcalak before we made a decision.       In Xcalak, however, there wasn't really much of a decision as there was precious little there.  This is the farthest point south we will be on our trip.  It is also the real turn around point as now we are heading home.

Back to Travel In' for the next three or four nights.  I've never been kayaking so this may be my chance.  There are tons of sea grass here; Albert says it has washed up only during the past two weeks.  Once we can get out past that though, the entire Caribbean awaits.

Albert and Justa are from the Netherlands and they have been here 15 and 11 years.  The two room hotel is very ecologically minded with solar panels, rain water, etc.  Justin talked to Albert about reducing the footprint and such.  Of course I'd expect that from Justin.  Justa runs the restaurant and she did not disappoint with the garlic and cheese pita, whole grilled fish and chocolate gateaux we enjoyed this evening. 

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