Monday, March 13, 2017

Wednesday, 1 March 2017: El Cuyo

How glorious to awaken to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. And, what's even better was that was only sound until we were fully awake.  And, what's even better than that is that I had a coffee pot in our room to make my very own coffee.  (We stopped at a convenience store after dinner last night to get milk and yogurt and then we stopped at a produce truck and bought pineapple, bananas and mango.)  After a walk on the beach, soaking in the solitude, basking in the morning sunshine, and collecting shells, I was ready to think about breakfast.

Until this morning I would have said that icy cold pineapple right after you snorkel is the best on the planet.  However, our piña today tops even that.  Über fresh and oh, so juicy, you just can't beat it!  

We took a drive to Rio Lagartos.  What should have been an hour and a half drive there turned in to more than a three hour stint.  We were operating without a map and without GPS.  The old school compass on the car worked though.  That along with a general map of Mexico, courtesy of Dellene ...thankfully! ... ensured we got back on track for a shorter drive home.  Once there, we did enjoy the beach view and a early dinner.  On a quick detour through Los Colorados on the way back we saw acres of salt flats and dozens of iguanas.  I never tire of seeing these prehistoric animals.  They have a regal sense about them as they lounge in the sunshine.  They are in abundance in this terrain and this might even be their mating season.  

Louis was here when we got home and after a short recap of our day with him he came in to repair our shower and to put up a new rod and shower curtain.  Heck, I was just happy that we had a toilet seat.  It seems that it is very common here just to have the porcelain bowl.  I understand the cleanliness aspect, but a girl needs a (clean) toilet seat.  

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