Thursday, March 16, 2017

Saturday, 11 March 2017: Saltillo

We are definitely back in the mountains; it was 57' this morning in Puebla.  It had been a while since I needed a sweater.  We got on the road pretty early and just like Cousin Mike almost never got out of Monterrey at the beginning of the trip, we had difficulty getting out of Puebla.  With a grueling day of driving ahead, we had our sites set on Saltillo.  We lost a bit of time but were soon on our way.

For next time we are looking for an interim location to break up the drive, we need to remember the township of Apodaca.  There is a City Express hotel right off the road in an easily accessible spot.  It is very near the Puerto International Del Norte on Hwy 85. Just north of Monterrey.

We saw a rainbow while driving today.  We are winding down 67 days of travel in Mexico. Yes, we had a few bumps along the way, but all in all, the trip has been charmed.  It is funny, when we first started and I read all the warnings about not to drive at night, main main concern was safety from banditos.  I don't want to get to the point where we are careless about our safety, but now I've learned that the reason you shouldn't drive at night is because you can't see the potholes in the roads.  

This was our last night in Mexico --- for a while.

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