Thursday, March 16, 2017

Friday, 10 March 2017: Puebla

Today was Lilly's birthday -- we shared our hopes that she had a very special day.  
We woke up this morning to a flat tire.  Yes, again.  I took Gemma for a walk while Justin asked the good folks at the desk to call someone who can come and repair the tire.  Looks like two new tires are in our immediate future.  

We had time for a nice breakfast on the square while waiting for the car.  Our early start got pushed back to just a bit after 10am.  Still not too bad for retired folks like us who don't want to have to set alarms.  

Our Norte migration found us back in mountains where it was 64' and heading to springtime.
We saw buds and blossoms on the trees.  There was a bit of rain in the desert and within a day or two, you know the dessert will be in bloom.  We drove through pineapple fields that went on for days.  We bought some of that delicious fruit that was already cut up and then we bought another whole fruit that I could cut up for later.

Justin and I are finding that our conversation more and more often turns to plans for "1429."  We both have thought about the property almost constantly since 30 November when we closed and now our conversation is much more pragmatic and directed.  What will we do first?  What colors? 

After calling a vet in Puebla, we knew we could get Gemma in there today for her healthy vet check that is required before we cross back into Texas.  We looked around in the nearby neighborhood for a hotel and found the Hotel Castellanos.  Yes, it was rather creepy but fine for one night.  A kid on the street asked us if we wanted some "pot" and actually all I really wanted was an ATM.  Justin ran into some folks as they were heading into their house who were kind enough to offer him some pulque.  They had a huge pitcher and were set for their happy hour.

We should go back to Puebla.  We drove through the bustling zocolo area.  The catherdral there was huge.  It would be fun to stay right in the city center and explore for a few days on another trip.

Pozole from the Pozoleria was on the menu for our first course of dinner this evening.  We stopped for tamales for the second course of our progressive dinner.  They had four flavors and we tried each: mole, salsa verde, salsa roja, and fresas (yes, strawberry). Yes, I had to try it and yes, it was weird.  

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