Monday, March 13, 2017

Friday, 3 March 2017: Mahahual

Justin talked to kite-surfer Justin for a long time this morning while I took one more walk along the beach.  We made one more call about rental property as we were heading out of town.  The gentleman came right away to meet us and to show us two houses and a piece of property.  We are very keen on renting one little house owned by a guy from the Netherlands.  We really like the community in Celestun but the beach is better here.  I need to download the What'sAp app to stay in touch with him.

On to Tulum.   What we found was a quite hipster town that might just be too cool for us.  We should come back here to check out the biosphere.  We had paella for lunch which is a nice break from tradiational Mexican fare. 

On to Mahahaul for the evening.  This beach is a bit slower and that is more our style.  After a bit of a walk along the beach, we ordered a Caesar salad dinner. The waitress asked when we arrived if we wanted a menu in Spanish or in English.  I said both since I am trying to learn the language and my "menu" Spanish is rather good at this point.  What we noticed was that we had two menus and we had two sets of prices.  Yes, the Ceasar salad on the English menu cost $10 and the same salad on the Spanish menu cost 90 pesos (about $4.50).  Yes, we ordered from the Spanish menu.

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