Monday, March 13, 2017

Thursday, 2 March 2017: El Cuyo

Justin calls days like today "duff" days.  I said that I wanted a day without being in the car so that is what we planned.  Actually I may be the only one who had a duff day.  I read; I went to the beach; I took a nap.  After we all came back from our morning swim, yes, even Gemma, Justin got busy with grooming Gemma.  She wasn't too excited about the down day because that meant she spent the day on the grooming table and that she got to go swimming.

Our casita is actually part of Cuyo Kite-Surfing School.  Louis seems to run the place and Justin, the kid we first talked to on the street, works with Louis.  Today was a very busy day as there were nine students from Guadalajara.   They were in the middle of lessons when I was out on the beach.  Each student has an instructor and a life guard/spotter.  When Justin talked to Justin on the first day, he told him that it would take at least 6-10 hours initially just to get into the swing of things.  Later we learned that South Padre Island is the best place to learn since that entire bay is so shallow and the winds are predictable.  

Late in the afternoon, we headed into town for an early dinner and then to meet with a real estate agent to look at rental property.  She showed us one house and then her own house that we could rent for next winter.  The property is nice and would suit our needs.  We also looked at the house Louis has for rent but that is too large.

When we got home we took one more moonlight walk along the beach.  There is virtually no ambient lighting here so you can see so many stars.  We sat and talked for a while and then continued our talk inside where we made a plan for the rest of the trip.  Dellene and Lisa have reported that bluebonnets are coming out earlier than expected given the mild winter and warmer that usual temps.  We've decided to head home about two weeks earlier than planned as I do not want to miss the wild flowers!

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