Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday, 6 March 2017: Mahahual

Justin found the mother load of conch shells this morning.  We'll find room in the car to get them all back to "1429" -- that is how we most often refer to our home on the bay.  We've entertained a dozen other names, but since that if what we most often call it, that is probably what will stick.  Albert explained that the conch shells with holes indicate that is how they got the animal out.  Between these and the collection we amassed in Celestun, we do have quite a few that will find their way to Wisconsin.

Since our hotel is about 6 km outside of town, I still think of "going into town" which of course includes anything that means I need to wear something other than a swimsuit.  As it is, we went into town and a swimsuit would have been just fine.  We had breakfast on the beach and then turned our laundry in for pick up tomorrow.  The ATM machines are not reliable nearby so we drove 6-8 minutes up the beach to the port to get cash.  Only recently six to eight cruise ships have started to dock pull in Mahahual each week so this town is sure to change dramatically within the next few years.  I am glad we are visiting now.  We explored a bit and then headed back down our bumpy 6km back to the jungle.

Albert ran the generator for a few hours this afternoon to ensure electrical stores were fully charged.  Justin donned mask and fins and tried to snorkel but the water was just too rough.  All the smelly sea grass had washed away, but the seas were still too rough.  I didn't get my chance to kayak so we will save that for another day.

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