Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sunday, 12 March 2017: Austin

Homeward bound, oh yes we are homeward bound.
Justin drove the first three hours or so to the border.  We saw more rain in the last two days than in the entire trip combed.  Over the years, I've almost become an expert at "hurry up and wait" so I was prepared for the queues.  After paying our toll and basically leaving Mexico, we circled back around to find the place to turn in the papers for the car and our visas.  (I'd never had to turn in visas before -- anywhere.)  When you enter Mexico with your car you pay a $400 deposit to temporarily import your car.  If you don;t turn the paperwork back in, you don;t get your deposit refunded because they think your car is still in Mexico.  With that much money on the line and since that would spoil things for later return into Mexico we were rather eager to wait in that line.  

Once across the boarder it was my turn to drive.  We saw our first bluebonnets just south of Dilley.  There were only lone sentries here and there but I was thrilled to see the iconic symbols of Texas and 'home".  For some reason I felt the need to point out every single one to Justin.

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