Monday, March 13, 2017

Thursday, 9 March 2017: Acayucan

Lucy prepared our breakfast and after a chat with Nico, we were on the road headed home.  This is bittersweet for me.  As much as I'd love to head back to the beach, I want to see bluebonnets.  Given the early blooming season after a mild winter, we are bound for home.  The paraphrase Justin, ...we know this erly spring hasn't been caused by global warming because that has been outlawed by executive order...  or something similar.  

We passed through a security checkpoint today.  The guard made reference to the sticker on our car and wanted to see the corresponding paperwork.  Since Justin's name is associated with that, he then wanted to see Justin's passport.  Even though I was driving, he didn't want to see my passport.  As we drove away, we both thought, that is exactly why we went back to Nuevo Laredo before we left San Miguel de Allende at the beginning of the trip.  Yes, we will do that differently next time.

Guitar band in the Zocolo

Our drive to Acayucan was about 8 hours.  We chose this town only because of geographic location.  We had planned to stay in Minatitlan, but felt like driving a bit farther so we wound up here.  This town doesn't see English speaking tourist very often so we were almost the entertainment at dinner for some of the locals.  After we walked around the park that was

 right across from our hotel, we settled in a little nearby outdoor restaurant. The table of folks next to us were very interested in Gemma as was the young man who came by our table to tell us every word of English he knew.  For our dinner we ordered a yummy soup and sandwich.  It was a bit different fare than we've had for a while.  The change of the tastes and textures was welcome.

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