Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tuesday, 17 January 2017: San Miguel de Allende

Mike headed to the American Consulate this morning and learned that basically we are not legit and neither are our cars.  We knew something was amiss but we didn't really know it was this bad.  His next stop was at the Mexican Consulate but since they close early on Tuesdays he got there too late to make any headway today.

Meanwhile, Justin was feeling a bit sluggish this morning.  It was rather late when we headed to our newly found rooftop restaurant very near the local Mercado.  I had huevos with Ranchero sauce and Justin had huevos con jamon, chilles and onions.  We both had a side of salad, beans, and tortillas.  I had coffee and we got two bottles of water.  With tip, breakfast for both of us was about $7.50.

Back at our own hacienda, it was nap time.  Later, I worked on our blog and Mike went to do laundry.  He learned that, in actuality, he was to leave his dirty clothes and collect them tomorrow.  Earlier today, I asked Maria to do our laundry and I felt a bit embarrassed.  Now, I am learning I guess it is the way we do things. 

Evaresto came over for happy hour and then for dinner, we took Mike to our new found favorite restaurant, Viejo Pueblo.  We introduced him to the camerone and jicama taco and the fabulous music from the local band.  And a fun time was had by all. 

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