Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Thursday, 12 January 2017: San Miguel de Allende

Poor Justin -- he just can't help himself.  He spent a couple of hours this morning trimming the plants in our courtyard.  Some of the plants just needed a little TLC while others needed serious attention.  I guess this is one of the drawbacks of the life we have chosen in that he doesn't have plants of his own and he'll need to tend to those that belong to others.  While he tended in the garden, I worked on our blog, read and slept.  Don't you just love naps?

Mike went to buy a fuse to replace the one I blew yesterday.  The electricity still didn't work when the new one was in place though.  Everesto came over and together, the guys found the breaker box -- behind the frig!  He also lighted the gas fireplace while he was here.  This flat really is nice -- and we are paying $60/day!  

We headed out for a Thai dinner at "Thai Orquidea" on Zacateros Street.  It was surprisingly authentic.

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