Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tuesday, 10 January 2017: San Miguel de Allende

After a fabulously large Mexican buffet breakfast about 10:30 am, Mike, Justin and I headed to check out a local hotel.  We are scheduled to be in the del Portal hotel only two nights but we've decided to stay in San Miguel de Allende longer.  Mike he spent a good bit of time in Mexico over the last five years or so and he insists that this is the place to be.  After we checked that out, we needed a beverage before we headed (theoretically) to the tourist information center to find out about the English walking tour that is held on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.  Our route took us down to the river and that sight was rather bleak as this is definitely not the touristy or artistic side of town.  On the way back, Mike was taken by the exotic chickens in a fish/bird store.  Justin and I got distracted by a spa and quickly made appointments for massages that started in just a few minutes.  

Gemma's interview with Evernesto
On our walk back to our hotel after massages, Justin and I stopped into a real estate office to ask about week-long rentals.  We might just have met the unofficial mayor of San Miguel de Allende.  After chatting for a bit, Evernesto lead us to a possible, ok probable, home for the next week.  When we got back to Centro and needed to take Gemma for an introduction, Mike came downstairs too and talked to Evernesto about a property that has caught his eye for purchase.  After a beverage in our local tavern, we all agreed that the unit in the condo-like gated area is a good fit for us.  We will meet Evernesto at his office tomorrow morning about 11:00am for keys etc. 

Our appetizer this evening was street food corn-on-the-cob -- boiled, slathered in mayonnaise, then rolled in cheese and sprinkled with chili powder.  I ate about half of mine and then we headed to Cumpanio for a rather fancy dinner (especially compared to our appetizer).  Probably the most memorable part of dinner was the pig displayed in the wall close to the ceiling.  Our dining room had quite the view.

Going up the stairs is a beast.  Even exploring all over this hilly town the stairs still kick my butt.  This evening when we were winding down the day, Justin was reading about Trump and the upcoming cabinet confirmations and I was reading about Jordy Nelson's recent injury and whether or not he'll play this weekend.  Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. PK - love, love, love that you are blogging and including us in your adventures!
