Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sunday, 15 January 2017: San Miguel de Allende

Apparently, there had been celebrations in our neighborhood all night.  Justin and Mike told me all about it because I seemed to have slept right through all the singing and shouting and fireworks.  The fireworks continued into the morning and I was trying to console Gemma while , this time, Justin snoozed right through.  Not convinced that this was not small arms fire outside, Gemma and I went downstairs for a walk.  Poor puppy; there is not a blade of grass in this town.  I quickly saw that the sounds were indeed fireworks and that the celebration of All Saints was in progress. 

Folks in costumes wind their way through the streets with music, confetti and fireworks.  Gemma HATES fireworks.  Imagine, me trying to hurry her to get ahead of the parade so I can take pictures but she is shivering and scared.  And I fall.  I bunged up my knee and my elbow as well as my hand and the pictures didn't turn out great either.  Goodness!

Back at home, Justin, Mike and I settled in for football.  We made sure we followed with traditions that have been working all year.  Justin wears the traditional Packer t-shirt and I miss kickoff.  I haven't seen a kickoff all season, even at the two games we attended.  (One time we were headed for our seats and another time, I was in line for beverages.  A girl has her priorities.)  Perhaps the most important part is that I have to exclaim "I missed the kickoff!"  even when, like this time, Justin barred the door so I wouldn't walk in too early.  Bottom line --  I certainly did choose a good year to become a Packer fan!

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