Thursday, January 12, 2017

Monday, 9 January 2017: San Miguel de Allende

We are on the road on the way to San Miguel de Allende. No toll roads today and our trek was just a bit over two hours.  Our route took us up a bit higher in altitude and through arid but beautiful landscape.  Mike followed us and we didn't get separated today -- thankfully.  When we got here, we fell in love with the town immediately, but we did have one glitch.  The roads around the block right in front of our hotel were blocked; the town was in preparation for a huge festival.  I jumped out of the car to go find the hotel leaving Justin and Mike to drive around in circles -- and, as we all know, you can't always simply drive around the block.  I found the hotel and then went back to find the boys.  I found Mike first and seemingly an hour later I found Justin and we finally all found our way to our rooms.  Very soon, we all headed downstairs and down the block to enjoy adult beverages.

The plaza where our hotel is located is dominated by a huge church, Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel.  I can't wait to explore that tomorrow.  We saw that the tables that were set up around the square we being set with dozens and dozens of Rosca de Reyes.  We learned that they would be giving out gifts to all the children.  We figured that our timing was perfect to see the locals celebrating the end of the Christmas season even though our timing for driving into town presented a challenge.

We explored the town for a while before choosing a restaurant for dinner.  Justin had beef tips and I had a salad.  Both were quite good.  After dinner we got Gemma and went for a nice long walk in search of even one blade of grass for her.  No luck in that department but she did get her business completed. 

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