Monday, January 9, 2017

Saturday, 31 December 2016; South Padre Island, Texas

Justin was really restless last night as he is battling some crud that is trying to settle in his chest.  He says he feels ok, but he was up early and started grooming Gemma.  He does a really good job on her but he does need a good pair of scissors.

After that grooming session, we were all ready for a long walk on the beach.  We drove as far north as possible on State Park Road 100 before we got out and walked along the beach.  We aren't willing to try much dune-bashing in our little car.  Our walk had served to ensure we had an appetite so a breakfast buffet was just the ticket.  Both of us were impressed with a Mexican egg dish.  We scrutinized enough to determine that a cheese enchilada sat on top of refried beans along with a bit of sauce.  Then a fried egg  was nestled on top.  I was going to ask our waitress about it and look up the recipe until I heard her tell the cook that they needed more "eggchiladas." A quick google search leads me to know that I have plenty of reign here to develop my own version of this new breakfast favorite.  Maybe we'll need to go back tomorrow just to make sure I remember it correctly.

A lazy afternoon allowed time for Justin to catch up on what the political pundits have to say about out president elect and, more importantly, to ready for this weeks' NFL games.  After a nap, I worked on our blog a bit and tried to prepare for the next set of posts.  I still need to figure out how to get Justin's pictures meshed with mine and then to work on creating our photo blog.  I better get busy!

We walked to Bar On Beach-- BOB's -- for dinner.  We sat outside at a table with Donna and Wayne who were from Wisconsin (can you stand it?) and Bob and son Bob who were from Port Isabel.  Mark and his sister Susan joined us later in the evening.  The food was ok and the fireworks were great.  The blues/rock band kept us entertained with their renditions until about 1:30am.  We walked home in the misty fog.  Here's to a great 2017!

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