Thursday, January 12, 2017

Saturday, 7 January 2017: San Luis Potosi

Beans and chiles
No alarm clock!  Not even in Mexico.  Justin took Gemma for a quick spin before we met Mike for breakfast.  We took the hotel shuttle downtown and explored for a few hours.  The buildings are beautiful and the churches are grand.  Justin and I spent a whole $10 for a wedding ring for him and for a pair of earings for me.  Goodness we better watch our budget.  In the local market, I was reminded of both the market in Metz France and the market in Budapest.  Clothes, shoes, and household goods were woven in with all sorts of food stuffs.  Mike said the chicken wasn't "real" because it didn't have the feet attached.  Ok, we had to reconsider the authenticity of it all when we saw bags and bags of feet.  We were all stumbling with our translators trying to go high tech.  We met that challenge with varying levels of success.  I was overly interested in watching a local tortilla maker as he fired up his assembly-line like machine and the tortillas started to roll.  My interest was also peaked at a cooking school.  I figured I could still take a class even though all instruction was in Spanish but when we learned that the classes were three months or 18 months in duration, I figured I better come back another time.
Making tortillas
Peeling napoles

We stopped for a quick beverage before it was time to head back to our shuttle.  

Back at the hotel, I took Gemma for a nice long walk and then settled into a crappy American movie while Mike and Justin headed to the local dive (Wing Daddy's) to watch the first game.  I said I'd meet them in a few hours but even before I left, they called to say they were on their way back.  We watched the second game in our room.  Today was all about balance.  We went to a local church and a local market and then we shopped.  Since we went out earlier today to experience the local community, we could take time out to watch the playoff games.

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