Monday, January 9, 2017

Sunday, 1 January 2017: South Padre Island, Texas

Happy New Year! 

We had talked about participating in the local Polar Bear Plunge, but when the time came, I was quite happy to snooze right through.  

Cousin Mike called this morning.  Our chat helped to solidify some of the first legs of our trip.  We want to keep options open and remain flexible, but we do need a bit of a plan.

We went for a long walk along the beach after breakfast before dedicating much of the day to football.  We watched most of the game in the sports bar at Louie's Backyard.  We moved to a different part of the bar when one of the locals was too loud and too offensive.  The waiter explained that that group had been there drinking all day as he treated us to a round.  Packers were automatically in the playoffs with the Redskin loss, but with the win over the Lions today, at least we have home court advantage next week against the Giants.

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