Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Friday, 13 January 2016: San Miguel de Allende

Everesto came over at 11am this morning to meet with Mike.  Together they went to look at a property that caught Mike's eye.  Justin and I headed to a local restaurant where the local fare looked interesting.  The buffet was $10 for both of us, beverage and tip included.  

We roamed abound town all afternoon.  We stopped by the local library where the weekly English newspaper is distributed.  These are my three favorite pictures I took when in the library.  The first is of a sign that says all dogs must be on a least.  The second is of two dogs on leashes.  Where is their owner?   The third is a snapshot of part of the mural in the book store


We spent a couple of hours at the artisan market looking at all sorts of merchandise.  We are particularly interested in the carpets from Oaxaca.  I bought a white cotton top but that was our only purchase today except for food.We bought locally made granola ($2/kilo), plain yogurt ($1.50/quart), and fresh strawberries ($1.50/kilo) for tomorrow's breakfast.  Justin also bought beer Corona Mega ($2.25/40 oz).  Our house is fabulous and we are paying $20/person.  Yes, our dollar is going farther here.  

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