Sunday, May 15, 2022

Saturday, 2 April 2022: Chicago to Green Bay

Our flight out of Mexico City to Chicago had been delayed (what a surprise).  It was almost 3am when we reached our hotel in Chicago.  Ric picked us up around noon and that was right on time for us.  

                                       Gemma at the airport in Mexico City            Gemma at our hotel in Chicago 

When we were settled in our hotel, I shot off a text to Dr. Laura to let her know Gemma had arrived safely.  She wrote back  "Who wouldn't want to be Gemma?"  How sweet was that?

What is this white stuff to greet us?  Ok, it wasn’t a blizzard but it sure was more than a dusting!  Not surprisingly I was a wreck in the car.  

After the obligatory breakfast at Capital Cafe and a stop at REI, we were on our way to Sheboygan where we got to see Erich and his new girlfriend Mandi.  Mandi is a patent attorney and she’s a great cook.  She sent us home with a huge shank of lamb she’d prepared the day before.  She said we wouldn’t want to cook as soon as we walked in the door and she was right.  

Back home in Green Bay Ric told me “the house was clean” and while I would have described it differently, it was good to be back.  

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