Sunday, May 15, 2022

Tuesday, 1 March 2022: Mexico City

Today is Fat Tuesday for the Christian world.  Justin and I started our day with pineapple from a street vendor. Bill did not approve. “I don’t eat anything from the street.  No one I know eats anything from the street.”  It was sweet and delicious...running down my chin.

Several museums were closed because of COVID.  Thankfully, the anthropology museum was open.  We could have spent so much more time there, but I hit the wall.  Bill was disappointed that we didn’t even get to the Aztec portion of the museum because we spent too much time in the Maya wing.  We certainly enjoyed that time.  



Switzerland has taken a stand and changed their long-lasting stance of neutrality.  The Russian ruble has plummeted.  In an unspeakably risky move, three members of the Russian parliament have spoken out against Putin.  Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, and Germany are all sending arms to Ukraine. Escalation is scary.

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