Sunday, May 15, 2022

Tuesday, 8 March 2022: Merida then home to Celestún

 After breakfast at our hotel, we dropped Denise off at the zocalo and we headed to our lawyer’s office.  We needed to get Mexican wills finalized; since we own property in Mexico, we must have Mexican wills.  Ok, one more cog in the Mexican bureaucratical wheel.  We picked up Denise after she’d wandered on her own for a while and after quick stops at the grocery store and Costco we were on our way home.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Abraham had been in charge of everything — not just the usual day to day things and the animals, but also the workers and the work going on.  And, he had Gemma!  We’d left money with Peter to pay Santos and his team but Abraham was left to over see the work and to provide lunches.  And all this still without water!  I was pretty bent and twisted and it sure didn’t help much.

Also, back at the ranch, we’d heard from Daniel, a Swiss friend of Robin and Jen.   Daniel was traveling in Mexico and asked if we had room for him for three weeks.  Add that we were planning to leave on the 14th, and with Denise walking in the door, we said “sure.”

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