Sunday, May 15, 2022

Friday, 11 March 2022: Celestún

Daniel had already arrived at Casa Colibri when we returned from Mexico City with Denise.  He’s a yoga instructor from Switzerland.  He’s pleasant and an easy and interesting conversationalist.  

Work continues on the family suite.  I’m glad we are back; I was a bit anxious about being in Mexico City with all this going on.  Ivan didn’t get the plumbing lines in before Santos poured concrete so there is a bit of extra work that must be done.  Justin is not happy.  Santos is not happy and Ivan is not around.  Grrr!



We bid farewell to Denise this afternoon.  She was a delightful guest... and she was so easy... she entertained herself, was game for whatever was going and she laughed.  She seemed to enjoy herself and she talked about coming back.  I hope she was serious.  During her visit we went to see flamingoes, we went to the beach at least once each day, I cooked a few times and we went out a few times.  She had quality down time and we certainly had time to catch up and visit.   

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