Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday, 6 March 2022: Mexico City

We started our day with a walk to the thieves market.  Not exactly the souks, but these local markets do sprawl on for a day or two.  We were only browsing since we were limited to carry-ons for our flight but it sure was fun to people watch too.  

We walked through the wedding dress district to get to the market.  That went on for blocks and blocks.  And then we realized we were in the quinceanera district and then the christening dress district - my oh my!

Next stop: the National Cathedral.  Magnificent building.  Like Maximilian and Carlota’s castle, parts were not open due to Covid, but we got the gist of it all.  

It was quite warm today. Justin wore shorts; I had on a skirt and top.  Wonder what the weather is in Green Bay?

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