Sunday, May 15, 2022

Monday, 28 February 2022: Mexico City — The Big Enchillada

Today was go!  Justin and I had been talking about coming to Mexico City for years and today we were there.  With Bill as our tour guide, we were welcomed to the city after our flight out of Merida was delayed thankfully only 40 minutes.  

Easy check in ...early check Hotel Camino Real in Palanco then off to explore. 

Bill had our entire stay planned out so first stop, Soumaya Museum.  The private collection boast to have works of art from 30 centuries including sculptures from Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica.    It was quite an eclectic collection started by the wife of Carlos Slim.  As expected, I particularly enjoyed the Rodin's; the Dali’s made me wonder; and the Japanese pieces made me reminisce —fondly.

Loma Linda Restaurant —  At Bill’s recommendation Justin and I had a filet mignon but we also tried their grilled artichoke and Caesar salad.  Yummy!!!  Back to our hotel for a pit stop and then back out for more of this magnificent city.  We took the subway downtown.  Bill felt the need to explain how travel by subway works.  Justin and I tried to be patient while we recalled Tokyo, London, Seoul, Chicago, BART, and so many more.  We explored the downtown area.  Particular highlights were the Best Western Hotel all made of tile from the 1930’s, the Belles Artes Building, and the ....  and ...   there’s just too much to try to fit it in.  When we switch hotels this will be our hood so we were happy to call it a day.  

Two memories from the day ... not expected and maybe not welcomed... offer of a wheelchair this the equivalent of being carded in a bar?

And, second, navigating stairs, uneven pavement, etc in the subway.  It wasn’t navigation to find my way, but a mobility question. Gone are the days of running down the stairs to catch a train in Shinjuku.  This was a wakeup call for me.  Plus, I needed to touch too many surfaces...handrails especially.  Thankfully I had hand sanitizer in my purse.  

What a great first day in the Big Enchilada!

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