Sunday, May 15, 2022

Wednesday, 2 March 2022: Mexico City

 Bill had his COVID Test this morning.  He was quite happy to have them come to his hotel room.  Yes, they were also testing in one of the conference rooms in the hotel.  

First on the agenda for today was the castle of Maximilian and Carlotta.  After a quick cab ride we had a lovely walk through Chapultepec Park to climb up to the castle.  Justin and I took way too long (again) and Bill was probably jumping out of his skin. We thought it was fabulous.

Second stop, the Bellas Artes Building.  The Art Deco building alone was fabulous.  Then you add the murals that were inside.  Wow!

Lunch at Sanborn’s.  We had some of the enchiladas suiza they are famous for inventing.  Delicious chicken enchiladas with a creamy and slightly green sauce.  Yummy!

A bit of a respite in our hotel and then off for drinks at the Ritz Carlton where we were treated to a fabulous view of the city.  We couldn’t get in to Lingling, a new Asian Fusion Cuisine hotspot on the 56th floor of the building.

Bill was bummed as he’d wanted to take us there for his last evening in the city.  Instead, we settled for tacos and they were great.

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