Sunday, May 15, 2022

Monday, 7 March 2022: Mexico City to Merida


Early departure for the airport as it was time to bid farewell to the big enchilada.  I’ll come back one day but for now there are too many other places I need to go first...many of them in Mexico.

Luis was at the airport to deliver our rental car so that went without a hitch.  Check in at our hotel was not so easy because they couldn’t find our bag we’d left there in safe keeping for our return.  Charger cords were probably the most important thing in the bag.  Apparently, the good folks at the desk knew the plan, but the ladies who clean didn’t know our plan to return in a week.  I guess they get nervous after about three days and start to move things.  Jesus explained this to us when he returned our bag.  Justin recognized Jesus from Hotel Los Aluxes and from the Spanish restaurant, Bikiyak.  He works at all our favorite haunts.  

A refreshing swim and a beverage allowed me to calm down and allowed them time to find our treasures and then it was time to go back to the airport to pick up Denise Leach.  She will be here just for a few days. We are sure to have a grand time.  Denise and I worked together in Japan and we figured we hadn’t seen each other since maybe April of 2014 when Justin and I moved to Germany.  She retired two years ago. She gave up her Texas drivers license when she moved to Florida — traitor that she is.  

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