Monday, September 27, 2021

Tuesday, 31 August 2021: Green Bay

Mimi left at o’dark thirty this morning.  We took her to the airport and then went home and back to bed. 

While Mimi was here, we enjoyed a foray into Door County, dinner at The Loft in Fish Creek and ice cream at Wilson’s in Ellison Bay.  I’ve wanted to go to that touristy ice cream shop for several years and Mimi was the excuse.  She didn’t want to go to Lambeau Field or the Packer Hall of Fame but she was in for TV viewing the last preseason game against the Buffalo Bills.  I made sure we had gluten free snack options for the game and throughout her visit.  The tomato tart with goat cheese made from a cauliflower crust was a hit and Mimi asked for the recipe for the GF zucchini bread and the GF rhubarb crumble.  We also ensured she got to Renard’s cheese so she’ll have some Wisconsin deliciousness when she returns to Georgia.  I so enjoyed her visit.  

Tomatoes.  We have tomatoes.  We are giving them away as fast as we can and we are eating them in all sorts of fashions.  Justin's Green tomato salad is a stand by as is my tomato avocado salad.  I tried tomato pie.  It is supposed to be a Southern staple...I'd never heard of it much less eaten it.  It was yummy!  I made another pie with tomato and eggplant.  As much as I like eggplant, I'll stick with Southern Living's recipe for Tomato pie.  We will have that again.  I made a marinara solely from yellow tomatoes.  That was yummy.    Thank goodness Rick and Mimi were willing to try my creations.  

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