Thursday, September 2, 2021

Monday, 19 July 2021: Hartung

Sitting in our bed at Hartung with my plans for the day focused on a mani/pedi and shopping for a dress for Kim's wedding, the phone rang.  Bill said we had an official offer to purchase.  The first showing resulted in an above asking price CASH offer!  And the official photos aren’t even up yet!  I am trying not to get excited because the sale is contingent on the holding tank, septic system and water system passing inspection.  It is likely that the holding tanks will fail because they are steel and the county wants concrete.  This will cost several thousand dollars and we will ask that any buyer split the cost with us.  But wow that was fast.  Two more showings were planned for today at noon and 5pm and at least one of those is also a cash buyer.  I don’t really care to get into a bidding war but I do want to sell.  

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