Saturday, September 4, 2021

Friday, 30 July 2021: Green Bay DMV

At the DMV, I gave up my Texas driver’s license?!?!  I had received notification that my Texas license couldn't be renewed again online.  OMG!  This was HUGE for me!  


When we were in Reno, Justin got a call from Ric.  He's returning to Green Bay from North Carolina.  He and Carolyn have split up and he is going to be living with us.  This is perfect.  We get a roommate now and he'll stay in our house when we go to Mexico.  This is great news on so many fronts.  Justin had really wanted to go with Furnished Finders and rent to traveling nurses, etc.  I'd much rather have Ric in the house.  Since we are incorporating all of our stuff from Brussels back into Hartung, and since Ric is effectively "starting over", we are donating items to his “hopeless “ chest.   I had to explain Jim Muir's sense of humor to Ric and thankfully, he got it.  

Eric is bringing Lola this weekend. He comes to Green Bay probably every other weekend. Brody seems to be playing somewhat well with Caleb and Jonas and Fin and Willow play together when Willow breaks away from Kris but this leaves Lily as odd man out. And, she is tired of her older cousins picking on her. Several weeks ago we encouraged Erich to let Lily bring a friend. Well, he took us up on that advice and the offer that the girls could stay with us.  Let’s throw another plate up into the air!  Never did I imagine that we’d be moving back to Brussels even if only for the weekend. 

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