Monday, September 27, 2021

Sunday, 22 August 2021: Three Oaks, Michigan

We went to Packer practice twice this week.  It was great to be out in the sunshine and getting ready for football.  There was no public practice at all last year, soo, of course, the locals were there as well as those who had travelled for miles to attend these practices.  We are looking good!  

Road trip!  Justin bought a boat.  Yea, I know.  

We did a lot better in prepping for this trip than we did when we went to California.  Still forgot a few things (I was most remiss in the salty snack department) .  We just need to get back in practice.

I activated and installed the iPass. The toll tag from Illinois is good in twenty something states while the Texas toll tag is good only in Texas and in Oklahoma.  Now I’ll just need to remember to move the responder into the correct car.  One more thing to remember...aaargh.

We went boating with Kelli and Carl on Friday afternoon and it was devine!  That was really our first time out on the water this season.  I came away with a couple of beautiful bruises on my elbow and wrist and I am still pushing swimming  since it’s too soon after surgery...but my knee is healed, right!?!?!

Justin is sad that we have sold Brussels and I am ecstatic.  He has not been poopy about it at all and we got the most kind of notes from Deb, the new owner.  They seem to be oh, so happy with their decision.  Justin says that his opinion of whether or not it was the right decision will depend on what happens next.  That means time on the water and time traveling.  I am all in!

Mimi is coming to visit. Rick will need to share the upstairs with her when she's here but there is plenty of room.

The klafuflle in Afghanistan continues.  

I love my ice machine.

And corn... OMG  Even mutant corn is delicious!

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