Thursday, September 2, 2021

Monday, 14 June 2021: Hartung

Colbert came back to the studio after more than a year of broadcasting from his home.  Things are opening up but is it too soon?  The delta variant rages.  Many individuals are still not vaccinated as it has turned into a political statement.  This is so unfortunate.  

Biden and the current government have made Juneteenth is national holiday!!!  And what does that mean to me you may ask.  Well, Brian VanSickle has a story.  He and Kim have been trying to get their marriage visa for months.  Everything was placed on hold during Covid and with things opening up a bit, he was finally able to get an appointment in Montreal.  First he had to go for a medical exam.  He had to see one of only five doctors in the entire country of Canada, then go for his interview that was scheduled for 19 June.  Once the new national holiday was in effect and all government offices closed, his appointment was rescheduled.  Kim and Brian were crushed.  Once he gets the visa, they have 90 days to get married.  Kim has picked 24 July so there still may be a wedding in the plans.  

Anne Marie had us over to dinner.  That was fun.  She made tacos and had a summer fruit dessert.  It was nice to be the guest.

Margie has all kinds of shoreline repair done next door.  And in the process she has destroyed our wetland area of our property.  Strange isn’t it?  

And, we had the property in Brussels surveyed.  It seems that the lot line is a little bit skewed.  It goes further in at the water than at the road.  That means we put stone on Don and Amy's shoreline and that we have the humongous cottonwood near the road that will be about $3,000 to bring down.  Who won on this one?

Erich and his kids come up pretty often.  Jordan says Erich is his cottage bitch and his boat bitch.  The cousins seem to getting along better so it is more pleasant.  Lily still has a hard time sometimes and thankfully, Finn and Willow are doing a bit better.  Justin really likes to make French toast and when the gang is all here, that means French toast for 11.

We are continuing our anniversary season celebrations.  We went to Skaliwags in Algoma and enjoyed a grilled romaine salad... just like we did eight years ago.  


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