Saturday, September 4, 2021

Wednesday, 28 July 2021: in the friendly skies with Delta

Today was a travel day.  After a lovely visit with Steven and Barbie we were at the airport by 5:30 am.  From Reno, our first stop was LAX, then Atlanta then into Green Bay...gotta love airline geography.  Admittedly I went for the least expensive fare since I booked only yesterday, but still!?!?     

Back to Green Bay to get busy.  Gemma was still in Milwaukee with Erich but they are coming this weekend...maybe Friday!

Best gift ever… the gift of time. The buyer agreed that we could store some of our stuff in the garage until 15 April!!!.  We received the email last night about 10pm that the new owner, Deb, would allow us to keep stuff in the garage until 15 April 2022.  That was the best news ever.  We won’t have to get a storage unit and we won’t have to move things twice.  We are still going to push to get it all done before we go to Mexico but with my surgery coming up on the 3rd, this gives us a bit of room to breathe.  

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