Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wednesday, 19 May 2021: Green Bay

Stephen and Curtis left this morning.  They’d driven in from Reno to Chicago to deliver a boat and then continued to Green Bay to look at an airplane.  After four days, they flew out commercially.  Stephen made a fast and furious connection with Lloyd as was expected with their shared aviation passion.

Bowling and Bloody Mary's on a Sunday morning at the Dyckesville bowl.  What could be more apropos in Wisconsin?  Our house guests are gone but where are my glasses?  Looks like Stephen packed them up thinking they were his.

What’s for dinner?  Reservations.  We are eating out a bit more.  Not too much but a bit.  We went to small plates at Chefusion this week.  They were totally full upstairs so we were seated downstairs where we were treated to the chef's muse and palate cleanser between our courses.  It was a wonderful surprise as we are only now beginning to eat out again.

Bill and Mary Jo came over for dinner.  I served my new Italian pork medallion dish.  It has tiny onions and grapes and is so delicious.  Lydia from PBS is one of my new best friends.  We are toying with putting Brussels on the market and we wanted to run that past Bill.  We also want to talk about Mexico and invite bill to Celestún.  Mary Jo will not go to Mexico anymore but Bill plans to go to San Miguel de Allende for three months.  Maybe he can come to see us and then we could go to Mexico City together ?

We are also talking about a road trip to Anacortes for racing or maybe just bumming around.  Curtis has a 40 something foot trawler.  I’ve never been to the Pacific Northwest.  Maybe Mount Rushmore , the Badlands and Yellowstone along the way?  Connect with Eileen?  Connect with Bruce Derr?

We go up to Brussels every couple of days but we aren’t spending the night there since we haven’t turned on the hot water. If we are going to be gone for three or four weeks there really isn’t much sense in firing up the hot water heater. Justin mows and we enjoy sunset and then head back to town. We will see what happens when we get back from out west. 

Erich has been coming up most weekends. I think he doesn’t have any reason to stay in Milwaukee. I think he’d move back here in a second if he could bring his kids  ... but there still isn’t any surf here and that is his passion. His other new passion is his new Miata. No, it isn’t new but it is new to him. 

Unrest in the Middle East?  Now that’s a surprise.

Tulips came and went. Justin’s got squash, cucumbers, eggplant and tomatoes in the garden.  We got a huge tomato plant from Bill and several babies from Tom and Joan.  Bumper crop in store?  


We’ve been watching the baby ducks grow up.  

Jeopardy guest hosts are trying on Alex Trebek’s shoes — some are having more success than others.  Justin and I quite liked Mayim Bialik.  She didn't seem to get in her own way like a few others did.  

Packers held their mini training camp — Aaron Rodgers didn’t show.  What does that mean?

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