Thursday, September 2, 2021

Monday, 5 July 2021: Green Bay

 I went to the doctor for my knee this week.  I don’t remember falling or a similar incident but my left knee hurts too much.  After x-rays revealed nothing, the doc recommended PT and ice.  Justin says I should push for a referral and an MRI.  I think he is right.  

Tom and Mitzy came over for dinner.  I think they enjoyed our mushroom risotto.  The strawberry shortcake dessert certainly showcased the delicacy of the season.  Anne Marie and I had gone strawberry picking a few days before so the berries were just perfect.  I made a strawberry slushy vodka drink that turned out quite well.  I also tried my hand at dehydrating some of the berries. That was less successful so many of the fresh berries ended up in the freezer. 

29 June was our 8yr anniversary of meeting in Chicago.  Justin continues to make my dreams come true. 

Several years ago we planted a few hydrangeas but they weren't really in a good spot.  This year we had a spectacular crop!  I really do like hydrangeas -- they remind me of home.

Fourth of July weekend found all the kids at our house for swimming during the day.  Fireworks a Chadour's dock to end the day.  That's always a treat.  

One afternoon I watch at least thirty geese progress from in our yeard, out into the water, back on shore and they back out to swim.  They certainly move as a pack.  I was tempted to run out in the middle to scare them up but I'll leave that to Gemma.  

Justin took me for a bit of exploring about Green Bay one morning.  We found Jackson Square... and we weren't even in New Orleans.  

The rest of the world may be falling apart though.   Hurricane season is upon us.  Coronavirus and variants continue to surge.  Aaron Roger didn’t opt out of the 21 season due to Covid but will he play and will he play for the packers?  He’s been very quiet this off season. I do need to watch something with Shalene Woodley.  Cyber attacks through ransomware continue to be yet another threat of the day.  Condo collapsed in Florida  -- How many died?  

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