Saturday, September 4, 2021

Monday, 26 July 2021: Los Angeles


We checked out of our hotel in Irvine this morning.   We were so out of practice in traveling... there were so many things we forgot but we made it just fine... after we bought new water bottles, etc.  The airports were jammed packed and crazy just like before Covid.  It was so different compared to when I flew last year in July when the airports were almost deserted and people really were careful.  Crazy!  And, then, over three hours in line at LAX to get our rental car!  What a cluster!  Finally, after all the wait, we got a Nissan Kicks...poor little thing couldn’t get out of its own way.

Venice Beach

The past few days have been filled with wedding festivities.  An informal get together for out of town guests at the hotel bar on Thursday night kicked off the events.  Vicky Taylor, Alice and Chris Bernard and Justin and I headed to a nearby Mexican haunt for a late dinner.  This was the beginning of a great super, mini-Dodd’s reunion.  Justin and I explored a bit around the local area but the focus was wedding.  Julie's home was a perfect setting looking out over the ocean.  Just like our reception, Kim and Brian had guests from all over.  It was nice to get to meet people from other arts of their lives and of course, it was great to see her mom again and get to meet her dad.  They are off to begin the et phase of their lives together.  




After a quick flight to Reno we were at Barbie and Stephen's house.  Justin was excited to visit with boats.  I was excited to spend a bit of time with Barbie while the boys talked smart.  

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world watched the Tokyo Olympics on tv.  The stands are empty.

Simone Biles withdrew from individual competition and the Russians took the gold.  On the Packer front Aaron Rogers showed up for training camp.  Blake Bortles was released and Randall Cobb is coming home.

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